Department of Geology
1. Academic Department | : Geology |
2. School | : School of Sciences |
3. Head of the Department | : Dr. Vikoleno Rino |
4. E-mail Address | : hodgeology[at]nagalanduniversity[dot]ac[dot]in |
Post Graduate teaching of Geology in Nagaland began in September 1983 with the establishment of the Department of Geology under the erstwhile North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) at the Kohima Campus. The Department was taken over by the Nagaland University on 6th September 1994. Since its inception the Department of Geology was functioning in the premises of the Kohima Science College, Jotsoma. On 10th April 2010 the Department was shifted to its permanent site at the Kohima Campus, Meriema of the Nagaland University. This was the first Science Department under the Nagaland University that was identified by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi for Level-Isupport under the “Fund for Improvement of Science & Technology” Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions program (DST-FIST) in 2000-2001. Based on the performance of the Department and Students’ placement, the Department of Science & Technologyfurther supported the Department by granting Rs.75 lakh under the DST-FIST Level-I Program again in September 2013. The Department has completed 8 major Research Projects funded by the DST and ISRO, and 3minor Research Projects. Presently,5major Research Projects are underway.
The Department offers a 2-year M.Sc. (Geology) Course distributed through 4 semesters with an intake capacity of 15 students. Besides, the Department also runs Ph.D. programs in various disciplines of Geology. The Department has actively participated in formulation of the ‘State Disaster Management Plan’ and‘State Action Plan on Climate Change’for the Government of Nagaland.