Department of Psychology

  • The Department Laboratory is equipped with more than hundred psychological tests and laboratory instruments including NEXUS 10, Five Factor PI, NEO TM FFI(3), 16PF, TAT, WAPIS, DBDA, Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Rosenweig Picture Frustration Test, Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence, Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire, Division of Attention Box, Digital Reaction Time, Mirror Tracing Apparatus , Developmental Screening Test, ADHD Screening Test, Stanford Binet Intelligence Test( 5th Edition), Universal Non Verbal Intelligence Test, Rorschach Ink Blot Test,Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning-2nd edition, Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test etc.

  • The department has a library with around 50 books.

  • PC with wifi for students to work on projects and other assignments.

  • Colour TV with DTH connection