Women's Studies Centre
International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2018
Nagaland University celebrated "International Women's Day" 2018 programme under the theme, "Press for Progress" on March 8. The program was jointly organised by Women’s Studies Centre, NU with Nagaland University Student’s Union (NUSU) Kohima campus, Meriema, Dept. of Social Welfare, Nagaland State Social Welfare Board and State Resource Centre for Women
CHILDLINE 1098, 10th of November, 2017
A one day seminar was held in Nagaland University, Kohima Campus on "Creating Awareness about CHILDLINE 1098" on the 10th of November 2017. The program was organised by the Women’s Studies Centre, Nagaland University.
International Women's Day, 8th March, 2017
The Centre in collaboration with Department of Social Welfare, Nagaland State Social Welfare Board and State Resource
Centre for Women celebrated International Women’s Day under the theme Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet
50-50 by 2030 was celebrated at Ladies common room, Nagaland University,kohima campus on 8th March, 2017.Shri
Kiyanilie Peseyie, Honourable Minister for Social Welfare and Parliamentary Affairs was the Chief Guest.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 25th November, 2016
Centre observed the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2016 in collaboration with
Department of Social Welfare, Nagaland State Social Welfare Board and the State Resource Centre for Women and
Nagaland Development Foundation, by launching of Mission Effloresce and 1st Generation Women Entrepreneurs held
at State Institute of Rural Development, Auditorium Hall, Kohima 25th November, 2016.Shri. Kiyanilie Peseyie
, Hon’ble Minister of Social Welfare, Govt. of Nagaland was the Chief Guest.
UN International Youth Day, 12th August, 2016
UN International Youth Day 2016 observed with the theme The Road to 2030- “Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable
Production and Consumption” organised by Women’s Studies Centre and Department of English, Nagaland University
in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development and Rotary Club Kohima at Indira Gandhi
Multi Stadium, Kohima on 12th August (652KB) Download
Empowering Women for Peace & Development, 19th July, 2016
The Centre in collaboration with Control Arms Foundation of India and Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network organized
a Women’s Network Meeting on the theme Empowering Women for Peace & Development in South Asia-with Focus
on North East India at Hotel Japfu, Kohima on 19th July, 2016.
The Life
and Times of Rani Gaidinliu, 28th October, 2015
The Centre in collaboration with Human Rights Law Network (HRLN), Nagaland Chapter conducted a seminar on The Life
and Times of Rani Gaidinliu: Historical & Gender Perspectives at National Institute of Electronics &
IT (NIELIT), Meriema, Kohima on 28th October, 2015.(483KB) Download
National Consultation on Women’s Reproductive Rights, Human Rights and Using the Law, 28th – 29th April, 2015
Two days National Consultation on Women’s Reproductive Rights, Human Rights and Using the Law, organized by Women’s
Studies Centre, Nagaland University, Human Rights Law Network, Nagaland Chapter in collaboration with Naga Mothers’
Association sponsored by European Union held from 28th – 29th April, 2015 at NIELIT, Meriema, Kohima, Nagaland.
The Importance and Role of Women in Decision Making Forums and Space, 19th January, 2015
The Centre in collaboration with Control Arms Foundation of India and Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network organized
a Women’s Network Meeting on the theme The Importance and Role of Women in Decision Making Forums and Space;
Peace and Development in Nagaland, Northeast India at Ladies Common Room, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus,
Meriema on 19th January.
Birth Anniversary of Shri Subramania Bharati, 8th January, 2015
A seminar in commemoration of Birth Anniversary of Shri Subramania Bharati was held on 8th January, 2015 at Ladies
Common Room, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, Meriema.
Naga Women: Issues and Challenges - The Way Forward, 8th December, 2014
A one day consultation on Naga Women: Issues and Challenges - The Way Forward was conducted on the 8th of December
2014 in the Ladies Common Room , Nagaland University Kohima Campus, Meriema.(652KB) Download
Birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel, 31st October, 2014
seminar in commemoration of birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel was held on the 31st October, 2014. The
program was held in Lecture Hall I of the Department of English with fifty students of the 1st Semester from
the Department of English and Faculty and Staff of the Women’s Studies Centre (WSC).
International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2013
One day seminar was held to commemorate International Women’s Day on 8th March 2013 at Nagaland University, Kohima
Residential Sensitization/ Awareness/ Motivation (SAM) Workshop, 16th – 20th July, 2012
The Women’s Studies Centre with the Department of History and Archaeology Nagaland University jointly organized
the Residential Sensitization/ Awareness/ Motivation (SAM) Workshop under the UGC scheme on “Capacity Building
for Women Managers in Higher Education”, in the XI Plan from 16th – 20th July, 2012.
Gender Sensitisation Programme for Nagaland University Students, 23rd March, 2012
The 1st 'In-Campus Gender Sensitisation Programme for Nagaland University Students' at NIELIT conference hall
on 23rd March, 2012.The Chairperson of Nagaland State Women Commission, Mrs. Sano Vamüzo was the Chief Guest
.The focus of the programme was on current Gender Issues.
34th Folklore Congress of India,11th December, 2010
The 34th Folklore Congress of India was organised by Anthorpological Society of Nagaland and Women’s Studies Centre,
Nagaland University. The program was organised from the 9th to 11th December 2010 with Shri. Khekiye Sema , Retd
IAS, as the Chief Guest. The program saw many participants from all over India.
Role of Women in the Preservation of Culture,8-9th April, 2008
A two day regional Seminar in partnership with the NEZCC, North East Cultural on the 8th & 9th of April 2008
on the theme Role of Women in the Preservation of Culture. The program was graced by Honourable, the then Governor
of Nagaland, Shri Sankaranarayanan. Various scholars, activist, media persons and government functionaries and
NGOs from the North Eastern States participated in the program.(499KB) Download